When To Put Cover On A Grill?

As an avid grillmaster, I couldn’t agree more that barbecuing is a popular activity, especially during holidays or parties. There’s nothing quite like the taste of freshly grilled food straight off the barbecue. And as much as we enjoy the delicious meals, we also cherish the machine that helps us achieve that perfect char and smoky flavor.

To keep our grills in top shape, one of the most effective ways is to cover them after each use and cleaning. This prevents dirt, dust, and debris from settling on the grill and causing damage.

In this article, I will answer some of the most common questions about covering your grill after using it to help you make informed decisions and keep your grill in excellent condition. So, let’s get started!

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Why Should You Cover Your Grill?

Covering your grill is essential to increase its lifespan and keep it in optimal condition. Exposure to dirt, rain and other elements can cause damage to the grill over time. By covering it, you prevent rust and decay from setting in and prolong the life of the machine.

Your grill cover is an essential tool to protect your grill from damage. It’s important to consider your climate and choose a cover that allows adequate airflow to prevent humid conditions.

Related Reading: How To Clean A Grill Cover?

Can I Put the Grill Cover on a Hot Grill?

No, you should never put the cover on a hot grill. It is never safe to put a grill cover on a hot grill.

Grill covers are typically made of materials like polyester, vinyl, or canvas, which are not heat resistant. When you put a cover on a hot grill, it can cause the material to melt or even combust, which can be dangerous and costly.

To avoid such a situation, always let your grill cool down completely before covering it. Even when the grilling is done, the temperature can still be high enough to cause damage to both the cover and the grill. As a rule of thumb, do not cover the grill until it has cooled down to a temperature below 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

During grilling, the temperature of the grill can reach over 500 degrees Fahrenheit, so it is essential to take precautions and let the machine cool down before covering it. Therefore, never try to cover your grill when it’s still hot. Stay on the safe side and avoid the risk of fire or damage to your grill and cover.

Related Reading: How To Keep Grill Cover From Blowing Off On A Windy Day?

Can You Put a Grill Cover on a Warm Grill?

Yes, you can (probably) put the grill cover on a warm grill if you are in a hurry. While I generally do not recommend putting a grill cover on a warm grill, in some cases, you may need to do so if you are in a hurry. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and wait until the grill has cooled down to a safe temperature.

If the grill is only slightly warm, it is generally safe to put the cover on, but you should still consider the consequences. Putting the cover on a warm grill may cause moisture to be trapped inside, which can lead to corrosion and rusting over time. Additionally, the high temperature of the grill can cause the cover to melt or become damaged, which can lead to costly repairs or replacement.

I suggest waiting until the grill has completely cooled down to room temperature before putting the cover on. This will ensure that no moisture or heat is trapped inside. Taking a few extra minutes to let the grill cool down can save you time and money in the long run by preventing damage to your grill and cover.

Weber Genesis II Grill Cover

When to Put Cover on Grill?

I recommend covering your grill as soon as it has cooled down after use. Normally it takes from 5 to 24 hours. The time it takes for the grill to cool down will depend on its type, with fuel-efficient grills taking longer to cool. While I prefer my grill to cool down to the ambient temperature before I cover it,  you can safely cover the grill when it has cooled down to a temperature of 120 to 140 degrees.

If you do not want to give your grill 24 hours to cool down, the hand test technique is a reliable way to check if the grill is cool enough to cover. If you can put your hand on the grill body and keep it there, your grill cover will also be OK.

Or you can use an infrared thermometer to gauge the temperature of your grill.

However, if you’re not worried about rain, waiting until the following day to cover the grill is a reasonable option.

Are Grill Covers Heat Resistant?

No, not all grill covers are heat-resistant. Heat-resistant grill covers are designed to withstand high temperatures, typically over 500 degrees. Silicone-made grill covers are known for their ability to resist high temperatures.

However, most grill covers are made of polyester or vinyl, which can melt if exposed to high temperatures. It’s important to check the specifications and label of the cover before purchasing and look for one specifically labeled as heat-resistant.

How Long to Let Grill Cool Before Covering?

You should wait from 5 to 24 hours before covering your grill. Covering a hot grill can cause the cover to melt and lead to a fire. When the grill is completely cool, it means that there remains no hot air inside. Also, the coal is cooled down, and your charcoal grill is safe to cover.

So, it is safe to put the cover on the grill once it is completely cool.

Final Thoughts

A grill cover is an essential accessory for any grill owner who wants to protect their grill from the elements and keep it in good condition for years to come.

It’s important to wait until the grill has fully cooled down before covering it and to avoid using a cover that is not heat-resistant. Follow these simple guidelines and you will protect your grill from rust, moisture, and other damage to perform at its best for all your grilling needs.

With the right cover and proper care, you can enjoy your grill for many seasons to come. Happy grilling!

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